Are Our Elected Leaders Sworn to Abide and Comply with Corporate Controlled Policies?

A bureaucracy worships the rule of bureaucracy. A bureaucrat uses the bureaucracy to get what they want for their personal agendas.

A public hospital commission is a government entity of elected leaders. The leaders swear to uphold the constitutions of the USA and Wa state. A bureaucrat who claims that elected leaders have sworn to abide and comply with the “policies” chosen by the majority of the board of elected leaders, wants to remove the ability of an elected leader to have any dissent to the actions of the board majority. This is a method of destroying the basic concept of democracy- where each elected leader is elected to voice their opinion and do and say things they believe are in the interests of the greater good.

Forcing elected public hospital commissioners to oversee a public hospital district – but do so as members of a non profit board overseeing the public hospital district – is a way to force those leaders to obey corporate policies – which will be used to limit public oversight, accountability, transparency, and the ability of your elected commissioners to do anything about it.

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